
Varenita offers residents and their families a series of fun and engaging experiences that enrich the mind, body, and soul.
- Dance Classes
- Yoga & Tai Chi Classes
- Pet Therapy
- Arts & Crafts
- Daily Gardening
- Group Outings
- Move & Dance
- Animal Activities
- Cooking Classes
- Music & Song
- Live Concerts
- Movie & Game Nights
- Exercise Classes
- Family Events
- Guest Speakers
Senior community residents are 2 to 5 times more likely than non-residents to participate in new activities.
Unfortunately for many of us, the world can become smaller as we age. We see friends less often, and we stop doing many things that bring us joy and a sense of purpose. This can have very serious consequences. According to a 2020 study,** social isolation has been associated with an approximately 50 percent increased risk of developing dementia. This is why at Varenita, we offer an impressive mix of activities, classes, and events that foster engagement, stimulate the mind, and provide a rewarding sense of purpose.
Legal: *Housing, health and care. The health and wellbeing benefits of Retirement Communities (2019) ProMatura International.
** Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults: Opportunities for the Health Care System (2020) The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.